M 45

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Observation place
New Mexico


TelescopeTakahashi FSQ 106ED - Diam. 106 mm (4,2 ″), foca. 530 mm, f / 5 
MountParamount ME
Imaging cameraSBIG STL 11000 regulated at -15o Celsius
Image typeL (RGB)
ExhibitionLuminance (15 x 5 'bin 1 × 1), RGB (3 x 2' bin 2 × 2 each)
TreatmentPhotoshop and PixInsight

Object description

Object typeReflection nebula and open cluster "Les Pléiades"
Visual magnitude1,2
Distance440 light years
Diameter14 light years
Dimension seen from Earth100 x 100 arc minutes  
M45 is nicknamed the Pleiades. Its brightest stars are known as The Seven Sisters. Some stars are surrounded by a blue reflection nebula. Seen with good binoculars or with a wide-field telescope, Les Pléiades appear as a magnificent group of ten stars. 

The Pleiades owe their beauty to the silvery veil of a diffuse nebula which is lit by the brightest stars. The fibrous structure stands out in the photographs as can be seen in this photo.

If, ordinarily, the gas and the dust surrounding a stellar cluster constitute the matter which gave birth to the stars of this cluster, in the case of the Pleiades they only cross the cluster. These clouds move at 40 km / h compared to the Pleiades and will eventually come out to reach deep space, where they will become dark and invisible again. 
Richard Beauregard
Sky Astro - CCD
My impression "We cannot be alone in this gigantic universe"