Sky Astro - CCD
Latitude 45o 32 ′ North, longitude 73o 27 ′ West, altitude 34 meters
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It was in August 2013 that I finally installed my permanent observatory at my residence in Longueuil, Quebec, Canada, in the suburbs of Montreal. The site is located in an environment of high light pollution (white area). However, there is no local light pollution (lampposts, light from neighbors, etc.). I have a field of vision of 30o above the horizon from east to west and 40o North. So I have access to a large proportion of the night sky.
The great advantage of a permanent observatory is that you are ready to use the equipment for observation and imaging in minutes, instead of over an hour of setup before you can use it. Also, the fact that the equipment is at home, it is instantly available as soon as the sky is released from its cloud layer. This allows you to maximize the use of your equipment and to enjoy your favorite hobby much more often.
My observatory is mainly intended for astrophotography of deep sky objects. All the equipment is connected to a laptop computer which is in the observatory. I am using the software TeamViewer, another laptop and my Internet network to control everything remotely without wires. In summer, I can settle down right next to my observatory in my summer shelter. In winter, I can get warm anywhere in the house.
For my observatory, I chose the SkyShed POD which is designed in Ontario (Canada) and ready to assemble, greatly facilitating its installation. The POD (for Personnal Observatory Dome) has proven itself. It is efficient, aesthetically interesting and surprisingly robust, thus ensuring its use for several years.
My observatory is located less than 5 km from the Canadian Space Agency. Here is the weather forecast for my observation site:

Click on the graph to see the details
Richard Beauregard
Sky Astro - CCD
Create September 6, 2013
Revise January 12, 2021