Here is the list of equipment that I use for rental and which is still in operation:

Rental site:
Location: New Mexico
Altitude: 2225 meters

Telescope: Takahashi FSQ 106ED
Telescope name on site: iTelescope - T14
Type: Refractor
Focal aperture: 106 mm 4,2 ″
Focal length: 530 mm
Focal: f / 5
Separating power: 1,13 ″ of arc

Frame: Paramount ME
Tracking accuracy: less than 2 ″ of arc (PEC and autoguiding active)

CCD camera: SBIG STL 11000M
Matrix: Kodac KAI-11002M monochrome
Average quantum yield : 40% (R30%, V43%, B48%)
Cooling: Regulated at -15o Celsius
Available filters: LRGB, Ha, SII & OIII and V
Number of Pixels - Width x Height: 4008 x 2672
Total number of pixels: 10709376
Pixel dimension (in microns): 9 x 9
A / D conversion: 16 bits
Field of view with this telescope: 233,7 ′ x 155,8 ′ of arc
One pixel sampling with this telescope: 3,5 ″ arc

Use: Large field

Advantage: To photograph deep sky objects requiring a large field of view and good focal aperture (f / 5) allowing to acquire 2,56 times more light than at the focal f / 8 for example (this saves rental time).

Location: New Mexico
Altitude: 2225 meters

Telescope: Planewave CDK 17 (FLI)
Telescope name on site: iTelescope - T21
Type: Dall-Kirkham corrected
Focal aperture: 431 mm 17 ″
Focal length: 2939 mm (1940 with focal reducer 0,66)
Focal: f / 6,8 (f / 4,5 with focal reducer)
Separating power: 0,278 ″ of arc

Frame: Planewave Ascension 200HR (FLI)
Tracking accuracy: less than 2 ″ of arc without autoguiding

CCD camera: MicroLine PL6303E (Finger Lakes Instruments)
Matrix: Truesense KAF-6303E monochrome
Average quantum yield : 53% (R65%, V55%, B39%)
Cooling: Regulated at -35o Celsius
Available filters: LRGB, Ha, SII & OIII and V
Number of Pixels - Width x Height: 3072 x 2048
Total number of pixels: 6291456
Pixel dimension (in microns): 9 x 9
A / D conversion: 16 bits
Field of view with this telescope: 49,2 ′ x 32,8 ′ of arc
One pixel sampling with this telescope: 0,96 ″ arc

Use: Deep sky

Advantage: For photographing faint deep sky objects such as distant galaxies. Camera sampling with this telescope is ideal at 1 ″ arc (0,96 ″ arc precisely). Very good focal aperture (f / 4,5) allowing to acquire 3,12 times more light than at the focal f / 8 for example (this saves rental time). 

Rental site:
Location: New Mexico
Altitude: 2225 meters

Telescope: Takahashi Epsilon 250 
Telescope name on site: iTelescope - T5
Type: Newton
Focal aperture: 250 mm 10 ″
Focal length: 850 mm
Focal: f / 3,4
Separating power: 0,48 ″ of arc

Frame: Paramount ME
Tracking accuracy: less than 2 ″ of arc (PEC and autoguiding active)

CCD Camera: SBIG ST10XME - Non Anti Bloomin Gate (NABG)
Matrix: Kodak KAF-3200ME monochrome
Average quantum yield : 75% (R82%, V77%, B66%)
Cooling: Regulated at -10o Celsius
Available filters: LRGB, Ha, SII & OIII
Number of Pixels - Width x Height: 2184 x 1472
Total number of pixels: 3214848
Pixel dimension (in microns): 6,8 x 6,8
A / D conversion: 16 bits
Field of view with this telescope: 60,6 ′ x 40,8 ′ of arc
One pixel sampling with this telescope: 1,65 ″ arc

Use: Deep sky

Advantage: For photographing deep sky objects. Very good focal aperture (f / 3,4) allowing to acquire 5,54 times more light than at the f / 8 focal length for example (this saves rental time). In addition, the excellent quantum efficiency of the CCD camera allows it to acquire 50% (75% / 50%) more light (electrons) than the other CCD cameras presented on this page. 

Rental site:
Altitude: 1650 meters

Telescope: Takahashi TOA-150
Telescope name on site: iTelescope - T16

Type: Refractor
Focal aperture: 150 mm 5,9 ″
Focal length: 1095 mm
Focal: f / 7,3
Separating power: 0,8 ″ of arc

Frame: Paramount ME
Tracking accuracy: less than 2 ″ of arc (PEC and autoguiding active)

CCD Camera: Moravian G4 - 16000
Matrix: Kodac KAF-16803
Average quantum yield : 56% (R58%, V66%, B43%)
Cooling: Regulated at -15o Celsius
Filters available: LRGB, Ha, SII & OIII and I
Number of Pixels - Width x Height: 4096 x 4096
Total number of pixels: 16777216
Pixel dimension (in microns): 9 x 9
A / D conversion: 16 bits
Field of view with this telescope: 115 ′ x 115 ′ of arc
Sampling of a pixel with this telescope: 1,69 ″ of arc (bin 2 × 2, 3,38 ″ of arc)

Use: Medium field

Advantage: For photographing medium-sized deep sky objects as seen from Earth. Allows you to use the 2 × 2 bin offering 4 times more light than the 1 × 1 bin (this saves rental time).

Rental site:
Altitude: 1650 meters

Telescope: Planewave 17 ″ CDK 
Telescope name on site: iTelescope - T7

Type: Dall-Kirkham
Focal aperture: 431 mm 17 ″
Focal length: 2939 mm
Focal: f / 6,8
Separating power: 0,28 ″ of arc

Frame: Paramount ME
Tracking accuracy: less than 2 ″ of arc (PEC and autoguiding active)

CCD camera: SBIG STL 11000M
Matrix: Kodac KAI-11002M monochrome
Average quantum yield : 40% (R30%, V43%, B48%)
Cooling: Regulated at -20o Celsius
Filters available: LRGB, Ha, SII & OIII and I
Number of Pixels - Width x Height: 4008 x 2672
Total number of pixels: 10709376
Pixel dimension (in microns): 9 x 9
A / D conversion: 16 bits
Field of view with this telescope: 42,3 ′ x 28,2 ′ of arc
One pixel sampling with this telescope: 0,63 ″ arc (2x bin, 1,26 ″ arc)

Use: Deep sky

Advantage: For photographing small-scale deep sky objects as seen from Earth. Allows the use of the 2 × 2 bin offering 4 times more light than the 1 × 1 bin (this saves rental time).

Richard Beauregard

Sky Astro - CCD

Last updated: 2021 / 11 / 03