The site is created by Richard Beauregard, amateur astronomer resident in the province of Quebec, Canada. I have more than 15 years of experience in deep sky and planetary astrophotography. Over the years, I have developed expertise in deep sky photography in a site of significant light pollution in white zone.

For any comments, suggestions or any other requests for information in the field of astrophotography, you can contact the author by email.

Email: richardbeauregard@gmail.com

Facebook: Astrophotography Group

This presentation is not an initiation into astronomical observation. It is especially aimed at amateurs with good knowledge in astronomical observation and who wish to approach the imagery of deep sky objects or planets. To get started in deep sky astrophotography, you must have, at a minimum, a motorized mount allowing sufficiently precise tracking of the objects to be imaged. 

The techniques described present my own approach in astrophotography and the result of my research work concerning the methods suggested in this site. Thus, several techniques presented are described in detail explaining the choice of methods used to produce a high quality image with a minimum of noise or other light interference. This site is therefore aimed at both the novice astrographer and the experienced user. For the beginner, it is suggested to read chronologically all the sections of the site devoted to imaging techniques. For the experienced user, he can go directly to the sections that interest him. He will then be able to compare the methods suggested with those they use and make a critical analysis of them allowing him to improve or consolidate his own methods.

The quality of the images depends primarily on the equipment used. The photos presented on this site are an example of images that can be taken with the equipment used and presented on this site. You can invest more than $ 30,000 for very high quality equipment. 

This site is evolving and it will be continuously updated to show improvements to the techniques used. Hoping that the techniques presented in this site will help you in improving your own imaging techniques.

Richard Beauregard

Sky Astro - CCD

My impression "We cannot be alone in this gigantic universe"

Last updated: 2024 / 05 / 05