Here is the list of software used for astronomical imaging. Click on the software name to go to the manufacturer's website.

Free software

PippSoftware used to decrease the displacement of the planet in the video.
DeepSkyStackerDeep sky image preprocessing software.
FireCaptureSolar system imaging software.
AutoStakkertSolar system image processing software.
RegiStaxSolar system imaging and image processing software.
StellariumPlanetarium. You can configure the parameters of your CCD cameras, allowing you to see if the objects to be acquired are in line with the camera's field of view. Allows the piloting of mounts.
Fit LiberatorTo open files in FIT format in Photoshop.
PHD Guiding 2Software recommended for autoguiding the mount.
TeamViewerSoftware used to remotely control an observatory.

Commercial software

PhotoshopImage processing software. It is highly regarded by experienced astrophotographers.
PixinsightAtronomic image preprocessing and processing software. It is highly regarded by experienced astrophotographers.
GradientxterminatorScript added in Photoshop. It is used to remove the gradient in the image.
Astronomy ToolsAddition of scripts in Photoshop for the treatment of astronomical photos.
Focus magicSoftware used to correct elongated stars.
nebulositySoftware for the acquisition, preprocessing and processing of deep sky images. It manages the autoguiding of the mount in dithering via PHD Guiding 2 (free software, see above). I recommend this software for those new to deep sky object astrophotography. It is very easy to use and its price is low (around $ 125 Canadian). It can also satisfy the experienced atrophotographer who does not need to fully automate his imaging session.
Maxim DLComprehensive software for the acquisition, preprocessing and processing of deep sky images. It allows a fixed observatory to be fully or partially managed (opening the dome, starting and automating the acquisition of deep sky images, closing the imaging session, etc.). You can manage your observatory from a distance, warm, using the TeamViewer software for example (see above). For its versatility and precision, I chose this software for the acquisition and preprocessing of my deep sky images.
CCD CommanderSoftware to fully automate an imaging session without being present during image acquisition. To achieve this feat, you need fully motorized and robotic equipment (motorized dome, robofocus, etc.). It interfaces with Maxim DL software. For expert astrophotographers. Plan a significant investment to achieve this automation.
Sequence Generator ProSoftware to fully automate an imaging session without being present during image acquisition. It includes the configuration for image acquisition. To achieve this feat, you need fully motorized and robotic equipment (motorized dome, robofocus, etc.). It interfaces with PHD Guiding 2 (free, see above) for mount autoguiding. For expert astrophotographers. Plan a significant investment to achieve this automation.
COELIX APEXCelestial mapping software, an astronomical ephemeris generator, a virtual planetarium and mount piloting software.
SkysafariVery complete planetarium for smart cellphones and tablets. You can configure the parameters of your CCD cameras, allowing you to see if the objects to be acquired are in line with the camera's field of view. Available in Apple Store (iPhone and iPad) and Play Store for Android systems. Allows the piloting of mounts.

Richard Beauregard

Sky Astro - CCD

Revised 2021/10/30